A letter from NAA Leadership

On behalf of the Newtown Action Alliance and our partners, we are furious that the will of nearly 90% of Americans who support common sense changes that do not infringe on anyone’s rights, was ignored outright by Senators in Washington who cower in fear of losing their favorable NRA ratings. We are ashamed that our democratic process is so corrupted and dysfunctional, and that once again, gun industry profits have won out over commonsense safety measures. Today’s political antics only strengthen our resolve to fight for changes to honor those that we've lost to gun violence, and to make for a safer, less fearful culture going forward. These cowardly lawmakers, and those they kneel to, are on the wrong side of history. Voting ‘no’ today places primary culpability squarely on their shoulders, as it is they who will be responsible the next time someone who should not get a gun, gets one, and commits a violent crime with it.

We all know that achieving change will take time and require patience. While very disappointing, voting ‘no’ to the compromise Universal Background Checks bill will prove to be miscalculation by the 40+ Senators who have sealed their fate by choosing to side with lying, selfish fear-mongers, over common sense. The American people will not forget. Angry, frustrated moms, dads, grandparents, teachers, clergy and doctors will not forget. Victims and their families will not forget. Our teens and future voters and leaders will not forget. These Senators will be held accountable at the next election.

We are very grateful for the leadership from President Obama, Vice President Biden, Sens. Manchin, Toomey, Feinstein, Blumenthal, Murphy, Schumer, Kirk and Lautenberg, as well as the other senators who voted for commonsense gun safety legislation today. Unlike those that voted for the status quo today, these courageous leaders can look in the mirror and sleep at night knowing that they are fighting for what’s moral, right and just.

Chins up. We will not relent.

-Dave Ackert Founder the Newtown Action Alliance


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